Al-Aujairy Observatory, Kuwait (1981 - 1985)
ICRA has planned, designed and built the Al-Aujairy Observatory in Kuwait. ICRA supplied and installed all equipment from instruments to computer control. The Flat-Field optical systems represent an important and novel approach to astronomical instrumentation: Flat Field Schmidt systems allow a large area of sky to be captured photographically and accessed visually with a high degree of precision.
Control is realised via a Mini Computer and a real-time process computer. The mini can also be used for general computer work at the Science Club of Kuwait, proprietor of the observatory. Computer control includes automatic dome movement and the selection of guiding on an object from the SAO and RNGC standard catalogues. All catalogues are provided online in the mini computer. The operator is provided with a menu for parameters of observation, selection of instruments, object, time, operating modus, etc. All operator activities are accessible via operator password and are archived for further data processing.