Climate is by definition the sum of 30 years of weather data. People who want to “protect” the climate have to protect the data inside the computer centres where the data is stored. We find this nonsense phrase everywhere nowadays in the media and with politicians.
Weather is influenced by solar radiation, temperature, pressure, rain, water, clouds … and wind. All this data has to be input into the climate models. The real data measured by balloons and satellites represent no fit with the climate models after about the year 1995 when climate models became en vogue.
Already in 2001 in the IPCC report states:
In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.
It is nonsense to even want to start a calculation. Within that, the climate modellers want to make us believe that CO 2 plays a decisive role. The measured data speak a clear language. It makes no sense to loose oneself in details if the starting position of a model is wrong.