Physics and the natural sciences in general were able to book enormous success stories during the past 400 years by their model-based and abstracting way of presenting things. Unfortunately, they have never described nature itself but only how man has imagined nature to be. The emerging Chaos Theory as the bearer of knowledge during the 21 st century will offer richer and more profound insight into nature than we ever imagined. Within this domain we will find the tangent between Eastern and Western philosophies trying to understand the whole of nature and put it to use for humankind.
Presenting the new dimensions of fractal and non-linear systems, Chaos Theory offers a new insight into phenomena that have been hidden to us hitherto. A new view into the completeness of natural phenomena around us will make us understand the world more profoundly. It is not enough to imagine the world around us as idealised cubes, spheres and cones. Very old and unsolved problems like the length of a coastline, the wavering of a flag in the wind, the n-body problem and the transition from one dimension into another can find a solution and quantification in Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory wants to describe events qualitatively but also quantitatively that cannot be understood with our standard models with their idealised surroundings and positioning.
In this sense, Chaos Theory is the tool to understand our complex world within nature.